This is what other people sound like to me

It is to the as-of-yet-unknown, which has no way of being seen to us, despite ones self-proclaimed visionaryism casting doubt on all which lay in the path of the richously unencumbered-with-the-truth, through which can be experienced by the next-of-kin to a not-surprisingly superficial degree as long as all in attendance are in agreement, though not yet knowing the originally intended outcome, are none the less weary of diving head long into that upon which they were thusly thrusting them selves despite the better judgment of their right hemispheres and with out the appropriate consultation of the village elders who were widely believed to being pre-disposed to opposing anything of such radical proportions, color, or indeed geometry, that we now press out attention, and the whole concentration of our every commendable faculty if indeed we are wishing to be on the next-higher rung of the ladder of psycho-interpretive realization of the gray area lying firmly between black, and right, between left, and wrong, and at the centroid of here and now.